Life itself depends on the availability of phosphates. Phosphate fertilizers are applied by farmers to maintain crop yields and the global food supply.

There is no substitute for phosphate. 

All life on Earth needs phosphate, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and algae. Phosphate is needed for DNA and RNA, energy storage and transfer, cell membranes, cell signaling, skeletons, shells and many other uses.

In the global transition to clean energy, Li-ion batteries depend on high-quality phosphate products for lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) cathodes.  

LFP is ~40% phosphate.

Almost all phosphate is extracted from phosphate rock—a natural mineral mined in select areas around the globe.
of human biology is phosphorus, which is vital nutrient for all plants and animals and critical for food production.
of phosphate fertilizer is wasted, much of it lost to rurn-off, erosion and leaching that cause harmful algae blooms.1


~95% of the world's phosphoric acid is obtained via the complex, capital-intensive, and wasteful Wet-Acid Process (WAP)

The incumbent Wet-Acid Process creates waste in the form of: 

  • Waste mine tailings
  • Phosphogypsum waste
  • Phosphate runoff

By reusing waste materials from incumbent processes, Novaphos is driving sources of value for its two low-footprint, highly-scalable processes—enabling sustainable production of high-value phosphoric acid.